foto blog

foto blog

dilluns, 2 de juny del 2014

Hey babys... this is the end!

I hope you liked my blog. For me it was a beautiful work and so interesting because I learned many thinks of IT.
Also I laugh a lot with some videos that I prepared with Paula and Jomaira.
I don't have any negative coments for the blog  and any things to change I like so much :) 

Also I hope that you liked my blog although all my posts are of Bruno Mars hahahaha :')

Anyway byby  :*


diumenge, 6 d’abril del 2014

the reef

This film was directed by Andrew Traucki in 2010 and starred by Adrienne Pickering as Suzie, Zoe Naylor as Kate, Damian Walshe-Howling as Luke, Gyton Grantley as Matt, Kieran Darcy-Smith as Warren.

The action takes place in the middle of the ocean near to Indonesia. In that film there isn’t a main character because the four are important.  

In the beginning four friends are sailing in a boat. At the low tide the boat sinks and they decide to swim to the nearest island to survive. But suddenly a big white shark attacks them. When they find the island, only have survived a boy and a girl but when they climb to reach the island the shark appears and attacks the boy and kills him. So the only survivor at the end of the film is the girl.

This film is based on a real story the girl was found by a fisher boat, and nobody ever heard again about that shark and the boat.

In my opinion this film is really good. It’s my favorite film, because I love the sea and sharks and Australia. I love sharks films because they are interesting and exciting.